Mar 3, 2022

Introducing an Easier Way to Fundraise!

This year, fundraising for Fighting Blindness Canada (FBC) is easier than ever! We’ve introduced a new online platform that will streamline the fundraising process for our amazing Sight Saver fundraisers and your valued donors. The new system will make it easy for you to create your fundraising page, create teams, rally your supporters, connect to social media, and easily keep track of your donors. If you are a RETURNING Sight Saver fundraiser, contact us at and we’ll help you move information from your past fundraising appeals into the new platform.

YOU are integral to the success of FBC and the exciting developments in vision research. The effort and dedication of all our individual fundraisers DO make a difference in the fight to find treatments and cures for vision loss and helped FBC fund over $2M in research in 2021. Thank you!

To begin your personal fundraising, simply register at You can customize your page with your story and images and share the secure, unique URL to your network requesting a donation. Your donors will receive a Thank You email and a tax receipt from Fighting Blindness Canada immediately. It’s as easy as that to share a cause you feel passionate about and help fund critical vision research!

We want to know how and why you’re fundraising, so be sure to drop us a line anytime at And if you need help with creating your unique Sight Saver fundraising page, we are here to support you in any way we can.

5 Fundraising Tips & Ideas

Take your fundraising efforts to the next level by registering and using our brand new fundraising platform at and consider the tips below:


Don’t be afraid to get a little personal when asking for donations. Let people know why this cause is important to you, and how it affects you. People are more likely to donate when they see you have an authentic connection to the cause. They’ll be inspired by your bravery in telling your story and feel motivated to follow your lead and join the fight.
“My mom loved seeing photos of her grandchildren, macular degeneration took that away from her. I am raising funds in honour of her and to provide hope for others. Please support me in the fight to end vision loss.”


Reach a wider audience by asking for donations on your social media accounts. Don’t forget to ask if your company has a matching program. Contact your HR department to see if your company will match your fundraising initiatives.

3. Create a Fun Incentive

Over the years, our fundraisers have come up with some unique ways to encourage donations. One of our top fundraisers, a garage owner, once incentivized his donors by offering up his own forehead to be doodled on by whoever donated the most to his campaign. The lucky donor chose the charming message “I’ve got gas”. A fun and unique way to motivate prospective donors! Use your imagination and your own talents – offer to wash someone’s car for a $100 donation, deliver cookies or a goodie bag for each donation over $100, or mow someone’s lawn all summer to the highest donor!

4. Share the Facts

Many people aren’t aware of just how frequent blinding eye diseases are. Spread the knowledge to inspire: did you know over 8 million Canadians are currently living with a blinding eye disease that puts them at risk of blindness or that by 2050, 13.8 million Canadians will be living with a blinding eye disease, and 2 million will be living with uncorrectable vision loss? Visit FBC’s website for more information about the cause.

5. Be Creative

Think about what kind of fundraising event you’d like to do – and have fun with it! You could arrange a bake sale, plan a walkathon around your neighbourhood, or ask for donations in lieu of birthday gifts. Turning 30? Ask for $30 donations for your birthday fundraiser. The possibilities are endless!

Click here to register and create your Sight Savers profile and start fundraising today!

Thank you again for supporting Fighting Blindness Canada. YOU are the reason we are able to continue our fight to find treatments and cures for blinding eye diseases.

Text that reads, "your gift brings hope to over 8 million living with blinding eye disease. Donate now."

Join the Fight!

Learn how your support is helping to bring a future without blindness into focus! Be the first to learn about the latest breakthroughs in vision research and events in your community by subscribing to our e-newsletter that lands in inboxes the beginning of each month.

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