Oct 23, 2018

Help Canadians Benefit from Stem-Cell Therapies – Sign the Petition

Sign Petition Graphic

Since 2001, our friends at the Stem Cell Network (SCN) have been transforming stem cell research, bringing it closer to the clinic and marketplace. As the only national network of regenerative medicine researchers, SCN has supported 170 world-class research groups across Canada and provided specialized training for 2,500 young investigators who represent the future of science, technology and medicine.

Sadly, the Stem Cell Network will come to an end on March 31, 2019 if it doesn’t get funding from the federal government’s Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) program. The review for the NCE $6 million grant has been completed and, at most, two of 11 groups will be successful.

Why does this matter? Because regenerative medicine holds significant potential for treating eye diseases. Stem cell based therapies and technologies have the potential to regrow, repair or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs or tissues.

Thanks to FBC donors we are funding many stem cell research projects but we can’t do it alone. We need partners like the SCN to accelerate our journey to new sight-saving treatments.


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