
À propos

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Stem Cell
À propos de Vaincre la cécité Canada

Qui sommes-nous? Vaincre la cécité Canada (VCC) est le premier bailleur de fonds privé de la recherche en santé de la vision au Canada. Nous donnons de l’espoir aux Canadiennes et Canadiens…

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string(4) "9145"
Lab Researcher

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array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(9143) ["id"]=> int(9143) ["title"]=> string(15) "financials-hero" ["filename"]=> string(19) "financials-hero.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(393193) ["url"]=> string(79) "" ["link"]=> string(72) "" ["alt"]=> string(21) "Laboratory Researcher" ["author"]=> string(1) "1" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(15) "financials-hero" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(9142) ["date"]=> string(19) "2019-04-18 20:09:10" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2019-05-03 14:25:21" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(69) "" ["width"]=> int(1600) ["height"]=> int(1600) ["sizes"]=> array(39) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(87) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(87) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(300) ["medium_large"]=> string(87) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(768) ["large"]=> string(89) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(1024) ["1536x1536"]=> string(89) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(1536) ["2048x2048"]=> string(79) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1600) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(1600) ["home_icon"]=> string(87) "" ["home_icon-width"]=> int(205) ["home_icon-height"]=> int(205) ["child_listing"]=> string(87) "" ["child_listing-width"]=> int(380) ["child_listing-height"]=> int(235) ["sponsor"]=> string(87) "" ["sponsor-width"]=> int(150) ["sponsor-height"]=> int(150) ["hero"]=> string(89) "" ["hero-width"]=> int(1600) ["hero-height"]=> int(1600) ["hero-large"]=> string(87) "" ["hero-large-width"]=> int(700) ["hero-large-height"]=> int(700) ["post-thumbnail"]=> string(87) "" ["post-thumbnail-width"]=> int(800) ["post-thumbnail-height"]=> int(800) ["alm-thumbnail"]=> string(79) "" ["alm-thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["alm-thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) } }
Laboratory Researcher

Les rapports ci-après ne sont présentés qu’en anglais seulement.

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array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(27372) ["id"]=> int(27372) ["title"]=> string(24) "2024 MFS Hero Images (6)" ["filename"]=> string(28) "2024-MFS-Hero-Images-6-1.png" ["filesize"]=> int(351759) ["url"]=> string(88) "" ["link"]=> string(93) "" ["alt"]=> string(29) "Image of people at a meeting." ["author"]=> string(1) "1" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(24) "2024-mfs-hero-images-6-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(9151) ["date"]=> string(19) "2024-04-02 16:40:54" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-04-02 16:41:10" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(69) "" ["width"]=> int(770) ["height"]=> int(330) ["sizes"]=> array(39) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(96) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(96) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(129) ["medium_large"]=> string(96) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(329) ["large"]=> string(88) "" ["large-width"]=> int(770) ["large-height"]=> int(330) ["1536x1536"]=> string(88) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(770) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(330) ["2048x2048"]=> string(88) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(770) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(330) ["home_icon"]=> string(96) "" ["home_icon-width"]=> int(310) ["home_icon-height"]=> int(133) ["child_listing"]=> string(96) "" ["child_listing-width"]=> int(380) ["child_listing-height"]=> int(235) ["sponsor"]=> string(96) "" ["sponsor-width"]=> int(300) ["sponsor-height"]=> int(129) ["hero"]=> string(88) "" ["hero-width"]=> int(770) ["hero-height"]=> int(330) ["hero-large"]=> string(88) "" ["hero-large-width"]=> int(770) ["hero-large-height"]=> int(330) ["post-thumbnail"]=> string(88) "" ["post-thumbnail-width"]=> int(770) ["post-thumbnail-height"]=> int(330) ["alm-thumbnail"]=> string(88) "" ["alm-thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["alm-thumbnail-height"]=> int(64) } }
Image of people at a meeting.
Ambassadeurs nationaux

Vaincre la cécité Canada a le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement de son Programme d’ambassadeurs nationaux. Chaque année, des personnes de partout au pays sont choisies pour représenter notre organisme. Les ambassadeurs nationaux…

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array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(9140) ["id"]=> int(9140) ["title"]=> string(12) "hero-careers" ["filename"]=> string(16) "hero-careers.jpg" ["filesize"]=> int(419785) ["url"]=> string(76) "" ["link"]=> string(67) "" ["alt"]=> string(27) "Ride For Sight Participants" ["author"]=> string(1) "1" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(12) "hero-careers" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(9139) ["date"]=> string(19) "2019-04-02 17:17:26" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2019-05-06 19:29:34" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(4) "jpeg" ["icon"]=> string(69) "" ["width"]=> int(1800) ["height"]=> int(643) ["sizes"]=> array(39) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(84) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(84) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(107) ["medium_large"]=> string(84) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(274) ["large"]=> string(85) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(366) ["1536x1536"]=> string(85) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(549) ["2048x2048"]=> string(76) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(1800) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(643) ["home_icon"]=> string(84) "" ["home_icon-width"]=> int(310) ["home_icon-height"]=> int(111) ["child_listing"]=> string(84) "" ["child_listing-width"]=> int(380) ["child_listing-height"]=> int(235) ["sponsor"]=> string(84) "" ["sponsor-width"]=> int(300) ["sponsor-height"]=> int(107) ["hero"]=> string(85) "" ["hero-width"]=> int(1600) ["hero-height"]=> int(572) ["hero-large"]=> string(85) "" ["hero-large-width"]=> int(1600) ["hero-large-height"]=> int(572) ["post-thumbnail"]=> string(84) "" ["post-thumbnail-width"]=> int(800) ["post-thumbnail-height"]=> int(286) ["alm-thumbnail"]=> string(76) "" ["alm-thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["alm-thumbnail-height"]=> int(54) } }
Ride For Sight Participants

Intégrez notre équipe! Vaincre la cécité Canada (VCC) compte sur une équipe dynamique et dévouée qui travaille sans relâche pour faire avancer la lutte contre la cécité. Nous sommes motivés par les…

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array(24) { ["ID"]=> int(25293) ["id"]=> int(25293) ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["filename"]=> string(25) "COMMUNIQUEZ-AVEC-NOUS.png" ["filesize"]=> int(1816100) ["url"]=> string(85) "" ["link"]=> string(91) "" ["alt"]=> string(40) "Image is of a man on the phone, smiling." ["author"]=> string(1) "1" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["caption"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(23) "communiquez-avec-nous-2" ["status"]=> string(7) "inherit" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(9141) ["date"]=> string(19) "2023-05-16 14:12:13" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2023-05-16 14:12:44" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["mime_type"]=> string(9) "image/png" ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["subtype"]=> string(3) "png" ["icon"]=> string(69) "" ["width"]=> int(2000) ["height"]=> int(600) ["sizes"]=> array(39) { ["thumbnail"]=> string(93) "" ["thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["thumbnail-height"]=> int(150) ["medium"]=> string(92) "" ["medium-width"]=> int(300) ["medium-height"]=> int(90) ["medium_large"]=> string(93) "" ["medium_large-width"]=> int(768) ["medium_large-height"]=> int(230) ["large"]=> string(94) "" ["large-width"]=> int(1024) ["large-height"]=> int(307) ["1536x1536"]=> string(94) "" ["1536x1536-width"]=> int(1536) ["1536x1536-height"]=> int(461) ["2048x2048"]=> string(85) "" ["2048x2048-width"]=> int(2000) ["2048x2048-height"]=> int(600) ["home_icon"]=> string(92) "" ["home_icon-width"]=> int(310) ["home_icon-height"]=> int(93) ["child_listing"]=> string(93) "" ["child_listing-width"]=> int(380) ["child_listing-height"]=> int(235) ["sponsor"]=> string(92) "" ["sponsor-width"]=> int(300) ["sponsor-height"]=> int(90) ["hero"]=> string(94) "" ["hero-width"]=> int(1600) ["hero-height"]=> int(480) ["hero-large"]=> string(94) "" ["hero-large-width"]=> int(1600) ["hero-large-height"]=> int(480) ["post-thumbnail"]=> string(93) "" ["post-thumbnail-width"]=> int(800) ["post-thumbnail-height"]=> int(240) ["alm-thumbnail"]=> string(85) "" ["alm-thumbnail-width"]=> int(150) ["alm-thumbnail-height"]=> int(45) } }
Image is of a man on the phone, smiling.

Consultez le répertoire du personnel, trié par ordre alphabétique du prénom, pour communiquer avec notre équipe par téléphone ou par courriel. Pour contacter la Ligne d’information de Vaincre la cécité Canada sur…

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Unissons nos forces

Découvrez comment votre soutien peut contribuer à tracer un avenir sans cécité! Soyez informé en exclusivité des dernières percées de la recherche en santé de la vision et des événements dans votre région en vous abonnant à notre infolettre.