Donate Securities

You can make a healthy investment and reduce your taxes by donating shares to Fighting Blindness Canada.

When you make a gift of securities to Fighting Blindness Canada, you put stock in knowing you are supporting vital research, health education and advocacy.

Why donate securities?

Your gift of securities entitles you to a donation receipt for the full market value (resale) of your contribution. Your gift will result in a non-refundable tax credit that will reduce your income taxes. You can use it in the year of your gift or carry it forward for up to five additional years.

You pay no capital gains tax on the appreciated value (increased price) of your securities. Donating securities directly to Fighting Blindness Canada avoids the tax on capital gains, maximizes the return on your investment and protects the tax credits for use against other taxable income.

The chart below shows the tax advantage when you donate shares to Fighting Blindness Canada instead of selling them and donating the proceeds. This calculation assumes a tax rate of 50%.

Sell Shares & Donate Cash

Fair market value$10,000
Cost basis$2,000
Capital gain$8,000
Taxable gain$4000 (50%)
Tax credit
(assuming 25% of donation value)
Tax on capital gain $2000
Tax savings$500

Donate Shares Directly

Fair market value$10,000
Cost basis$2,000
Capital gain$8,000
Taxable gain$0
Tax credit
(assuming 25% of donation value)
Tax on capital gain
(at 50%)
Tax savings$2,500

To learn more about the benefits of donating securities and to initiate your gift, download our stock form.

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