FBC-Funded Research

Lab Mouse
Making Blind Mice See Is Just the Beginning

Curing blindness in mice is pretty exciting, but it’s not enough for Dr. Brian Ballios. Although Dr. Ballios is pretty ecstatic about his recent discovery, which partially restored vision to blind mice,…

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New Research Beginnings: Making Ideas Into Reality

July is a month of new beginnings. At Fighting Blindness Canada, July 1st marks the start of a new research year. While our nation was celebrating Canada Day, we were also celebrating the…

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Ruanne Lai
Can Valproic Acid (VPA) Be Used To Treat Retinitis Pigmentosa? The Answer Is In The Gene

Although winning a research award can help motivate scientists, Ruanne Lai doesn’t need extra motivation. For Ruanne, science is a “way of life” rather than simply a job. Ruanne’s recent win, however,…

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Cell Apoptosis
Saving Photoreceptors

Photoreceptor cells in the eye capture light, making vision possible. In retinal diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and dry age-related macular degeneration, photoreceptors die, causing vision loss. Why do photoreceptors die? This…

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image is of a microscope
A New Kind of Vision

How would you describe what it feels like to see something? We have lots of language to help us with this. We can talk about colours, textures, shadows, scenery, and movement. We…

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Baby's Face
Discovery Paves Road for New Treatments to Prevent Blindness in Babies

Babies born with Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), one of the most common causes of vision loss in children, stand to benefit from an exciting discovery made possible, in part, by Fighting Blindness Canada. The…

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