
image is of a close up of a person's torso by a table with a microscope and a medical viles.
Clinical Trial Advances for IRD, AMD and glaucoma

From April 23-27, Fighting Blindness Canada attended one of the largest vision research conferences in the world: the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). It was illuminating to learn about…

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Image is of a hand holding a ripped piece of paper that states,
Matthew’s Story and The Value of Planned Giving

Matthew is at least the fourth generation in his family to be affected by retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a rare genetic eye disease that over time makes cells in the retina break down,…

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Image is a close-up of 2 human eyes from 2 different people.
May is Vision Health Month

May Vision Health Month is a time when Canadians bring awareness to eye health and the prevention of vision loss. Throughout the month of May, we will be highlighting our mission of…

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Image is a collage of images of Ann Morrison with family and friends during Fighting Blindness Canada events.
Announcing the retirement of Ann Morrison, Director of Philanthropy

Fighting Blindness Canada would like to share that on June 2, 2023, Ann Morrison, Director of Philanthropy, will be retiring. We are happy for Ann to start this next chapter of her…

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Image is of the Canadian flag.
Canadians now have access to Luxturna!

Luxturna is the first gene therapy treatment approved for an inherited retinal disease in Canada. The treatment is for people who have Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) or retinitis pigmentosa (RP) caused by…

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Image is of a chair seating in front of a wall of television monitors displaying a variety of programs.
Empowering the disability community through accessible media

Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) is a not-for-profit media company, that entertains, informs, and empowers Canadians who are blind or partially sighted. As Fighting Blindness Canada’s national media partner, we had the opportunity…

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