Sep 7, 2018
Your Gifts Are Helping Generations to Come

Most parents don’t know what the future holds for their children, but when your child is diagnosed with x-linked retinoschisis (XLRS), the same eye disease that your father has lived with his whole life, you know exactly what the future holds: vision loss.
But knowing doesn’t make the diagnosis any easier, which was certainly the case for Michelle Eaket. Every parent wants their child to be healthy in every way, and Michelle is no different.
She did, however, find reason to hope after getting involved with Fighting Blindness Canada (FBC) several years ago.
Not only has FBC provided Michelle with a powerful sense of community, but the organization has also given her hope that a cure for her son Luke’s inherited retinal disease will be found and that he’ll be the last member of their family to live with it.
The Eakets know that they are not helpless and that with your help, we can fight vision loss with research.
Your donations have already allowed researchers to advance our understanding of retinal diseases so much faster. It is only a matter of time and funding before scientists discover treatments for Luke’s eye disease and many others.
Millions of families are affected by inherited retinal diseases. Thanks to your generosity, they are now facing a much brighter future.
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