Cycle For Sight Collage
Jul 10, 2018

In 2009, Dave Sweeny, Michael Ovens, Erin George, and Martin de Sousa came together to develop a new way to raise funds in the fight against blindness. Their vision became a reality…

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Mike Sapieha
Jul 10, 2018

Did you know that obesity is the second most important environmental risk factor for wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD)? At Fighting Blindness Canada (FBC), we are very proud to be funding Dr….

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Steve K
Jul 3, 2018

Guest post from Steve’s mom, Catherine Kirugi Like most kids his age, my 9-year old son Steve asks a lot of questions. But one of them always breaks my heart. “Mom, why…

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Laboratory Researchers
Jun 12, 2018

Like any part of the human body, the eye only functions when its various parts communicate effectively—in other words, when they “talk” to one another. In fact, the importance of communication is…

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Stem Cell
Jun 12, 2018

Our 2018 Summer InVision newsletter is now fully accessible and available online! This issue includes the following stories: – Promising Results Show the Potential for Stem-Cell Therapies to Restore Vision– Stem Cells…

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Legislature Building
Jun 7, 2018

When Fighting Blindness Canada (FBC) was founded in 1974, little was know about blinding eye diseases, and even less about the genetic factors underlying inherited forms of blindness. Today that landscape has…

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