Tania Bubela
Aug 17, 2015

Does your child have an inherited eye disease? If you had the chance, would you enrol her or him in a clinical trial that was testing a new gene therapy or stem…

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Robert Gendron
Jul 14, 2015

Turning research into treatments takes a long time. Some studies have estimated that approximately 14% of new discoveries make it into the clinic, and that this journey from the laboratory into the…

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Jun 22, 2015

We only invest in the best research. But how do we choose? How do we predict which research project is the most promising hope for the future? The answer is peer review—a tried…

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Andras Nagy in Laboratory
Jun 19, 2015

Dr. Andras Nagy is world-renowned for discovering a method to create stem cells from other cells of the body, a breakthrough which overcame a major hurdle in regenerative medicine. He is also…

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Rod Photoreceptors
May 25, 2015

Many of the Foundation’s sight-saving research projects are focused on photoreceptors. This is because photoreceptors are critically important for vision – they are needed to sense light. Many blinding eye diseases involve…

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Lab Mouse
May 25, 2015

Curing blindness in mice is pretty exciting, but it’s not enough for Dr. Brian Ballios. Although Dr. Ballios is pretty ecstatic about his recent discovery, which partially restored vision to blind mice,…

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