Jan 7, 2022

Screens Off for Sight

The last 24 months have not only challenged our mental health, but our vision health as well. It is difficult to imagine life without digital screens, especially as we continue to navigate work, school and socializing all from the comfort of our homes. What is this doing to our eyes?

Saturday, March 19 at 6 pm “go dark” for 24 hours. That means shutting down all your screens, including laptops, computers, televisions, cellphones, video games, and more! Are you up for the challenge? Can you make it to 24 hours? Your eyes will thank you!

Accept the Challenge

Could you manage 24 hours without your screens?

According to the Canadian Ophthalmological Society, on average, we blink 12 times per minute, but when we’re on a computer or staring at our phones, we only blink 5 times per minute. Blinking cleans the surface of your eye of any debris and washes it out with fresh tears. The coating of tears helps sharpen your vision, clearing and brightening the image your retina receives. Blinking also nourishes your eye with oxygen and nutrients, keeping your eyes healthy and comfortable.

As many as 50 to 90% of adults and children who regularly use phones and laptops experience screen-related ocular symptoms. These symptoms include red, watery, or dry eyes, eye fatigue, difficulty focusing and headaches.

Currently, over 8 million Canadians are living with a blinding eye disease (age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts) that puts them at significant risk of blindness. 3 out of 4 (75%) cases of vision loss can be prevented if caught early or treated. Fighting Blindness Canada (FBC) is working hard to fund critical vision research and advocates for health policies and access to treatments that prevent blindness.

Accept the Screens Off for Sight Challenge today and register to fundraise for critical vision research!

FBC challenges you to give your eyes a break and turn off your screens for 24 hours on March 19 at 6 pm with our Screens Off for Sight virtual challenge.

  • By participating, you will help raise awareness for sight-saving research and give your eyes a much-needed rest!
  • Become a fundraiser. Register and create your own fundraising page and share the challenge with friends and family, post a link asking for donations to support your 24-hour challenge on all your social networks. Ask others to help you raise funds for vision loss research.


Register with your email and create your own custom Sight Saver page, A Sight Saver is a champion in our community who starts their own fundraising in support of Fighting Blindness Canada. With our easy fundraising platform this is a simple way to get friends and family to donate to your challenge. We are here to help you along the way.
Speaking of challenges, why not start a friendly competition amongst your family members or friends. The one who fundraises the least, buys dinner for the group.

Here are a few more creative ideas to help you begin fundraising:

  • Create a one-page flyer letting others know about your Screens off for Sight challenge and add it to your social media platform to let others know what you are doing.
  • Do you have elderly neighbors who need help shoveling the driveway or raking leaves? How about helping your neighbor? Don’t accept cash, instead, ask them to donate on your fundraising page.
  • Host a bake sale, but again, don’t accept cash, simply ask people to donate to your fundraising page.
  • Get a group of friends together and have an all-day board game challenge – following all current Covid protocols of course! Prior to beginning, have every participant donate to your fundraising page.


Challenge others to join too, and on Saturday, March 19 at 6 pm “go dark” for 24 hours. That means shutting down all your screens, including laptops, computers, televisions, cellphones, video games, and more! Are you up for the challenge? Can you make it to 24 hours? Your eyes will thank you!

Text that reads, "your gift brings hope to over 8 million living with blinding eye disease. Donate now."

Join the Fight!

Learn how your support is helping to bring a future without blindness into focus! Be the first to learn about the latest breakthroughs in vision research and events in your community by subscribing to our e-newsletter that lands in inboxes the beginning of each month.

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