

Valproic acid (VA), belongs to a family of drugs called HDAC inhibitors (HDACi) and has been tested as a potential treatment for retinitis pigmentosa (RP) with mixed results. In some clinical trials,…

New Vision Treatment May Stop Photoreceptor Cells from Dying

FBC-funded researcher, Dr. Philippe Monnier identifies new treatment to stop photoreceptor cells from dying. Research published in March 2020 in The Journal of Clinical Investigation has identified a new target that may…

Information about COVID-19 and Your Eye Health

We understand this time of uncertainty may be confusing. We have prepared answers to some questions you may have about your eye health during these times. Different levels of government and professional…

Luxturna Treatment: Restoring Vision Becomes a Reality

World’s first approved gene therapy for an eye disease is turning the dream of treating inherited retinal diseases (IRD) into a reality. Forty-six years ago families came together to form Fighting Blindness…

Patient Registry

Are you living with an inherited retinal disease? Are you interested in helping to advance research in Canada and in contributing to the development of new treatments and cures? If so, consider…

Age-Related Vision Loss: Diseases and Emerging Treatments

Dr. Deepa Yoganathan is an assistant professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Science at the University of Toronto and the co-president of the Toronto Ophthalmological Society. She is one of…

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