
Top 10 Discoveries Driving the Race to Restore Sight in 2016

At the Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB) we are motivated by a singular goal: develop new treatments for blindness and vision loss. This goal fuels all of the research that we fund. Today,…

One Step Closer To A “Smart” Stem Cell Therapy

Today, there are no approved stem-cell treatments for blinding eye diseases. Dr. Andras Nagy’s research is trying to solve this problem by developing a safe and “smart” stem-cell therapy. To do this,…

A Sight for Sore Eyes: Using Gene Therapy and Gene Editing to Treat Blindness

Story guest authored by Erik Fraunberger, a neuroscience graduate student at the Alberta Children’s Health Research Institute in Calgary, Alberta. We live in exciting times! With each passing day, we get one step closer…

Top 10 Discoveries of 2015

In 2015, the Foundation invested in research to understand vision, preserve vision, and restore sight. All of the Foundation’s funded projects are “translational” research, which means that the long-term goal of each…

Investing In The Best: Our 2015 Operating Grant Winners

We only invest in the best research. But how do we choose? How do we predict which research project is the most promising hope for the future? The answer is peer review—a tried…

Combining Stem Cells & Gene Therapy for a ‘Smart’ Sight-Saving Treatment

Dr. Andras Nagy is world-renowned for discovering a method to create stem cells from other cells of the body, a breakthrough which overcame a major hurdle in regenerative medicine. He is also…

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