Raising Our Sights: Vision 2030

Over the next five years, we will deepen our connection to the vision loss community, amplify our impact and continue differentiating ourselves through research excellence and community support. Read our strategic plan for 2025-2030 to learn more.

Download Our Strategic Plan
senior man looking up
Jennifer Jones

Dear Supporters,

For over fifty years, you—our community—have been at the heart of everything we do at Fighting Blindness Canada (FBC). Thanks to your incredible support and unwavering commitment to our cause, we’ve reached extraordinary milestones together, advancing research toward treatments and cures for blinding eye disease and providing education, support and advocacy for our vision loss community.

With your generosity, we’ve invested over $42 million in research and $5 million in educational programs, and supported more than 220 grants, driving over 850 scientific discoveries. But our journey is far from over.

More than ever, we are committed to creating a brighter future for people with vision loss—and you are the driving force behind this. To get there, we asked you to share your priorities with us and help shape our future direction. You told us what matters most:

  • Funding more world-class research to develop new and better treatments, prevent or stop vision loss, restore sight, and ultimately find cures.
  • Being a trusted source of the most up to date information on eye health and treatments and enabling connections...connections with others facing similar challenges.

You spoke, and we listened. Your voice helped shape our bold new vision and mission, which will guide every step we make moving forward.

Today, I’m thrilled to introduce Raising Our Sights: Vision 2030, our Strategic Plan for 2025–2030. This ambitious roadmap will expand our commitment to the vision loss community and deepen the impact we are creating for them. We will accelerate breakthroughs in sight-saving vision research and access to treatments provide community education and connection and empower people living with vision loss.

I hope you see your own dreams and expectations for Fighting Blindness Canada reflected in Raising Our Sights: Vision 2030. I am thrilled to watch alongside you as this exciting new chapter comes to life!

With Gratitude,
Jennifer Jones
President and CEO

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